Mini-Conference: Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling
Embedded Systems Modeling
Mini-Conference, online
Date: 14.11.2023
Time: 16:00 – 18:00 CET
Why a Mini-Conference for Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling (ROOM)?
ROOM is a modeling method for real-time and embedded systems. Its focus and precision enables to model software architectures and generate executable code. It also had a huge influence on standards like UML, SysML and AUTOSAR. Thanks to Wiley and the authors, we could create a new edition of the book that defines this method. In this mini-conference, we want to present this powerful method, its impact on other standards and ROOM based development and test tools.
Start: 16:00 CET
Welcome and Book Introduction (Henrik Rentz-Reichert)
Introduction of the new book edition Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling (ROOM) by Bran Selic, Garth Gullekson, Paul T. Ward
History and Impact of the ROOM Method (Bran Selic)
- A brief review of the history and motivation behind the ROOM method
- The adoption of ROOM by industry
- The influence of ROOM on two widely-used industry standards: UML and SysML
The Agile Path to SysML v2 (Tim Weilkiens)
A behind-the-scenes look at the development of SysML v2. Who develops the language, where do the requirements come from, and how is SysML v2 developed in an agile manner. SysML is the focus of this talk, but also in the community. But especially interesting for the software people: What actually became of UML, how will it continue, and how does ROOM fit into this landscape?
Demo: ROOM based Tools for Embedded Systems (Thomas Schuetz)
We will demonstrate open-source and commercial tools for embedded development and testing with ROOM.
Thanks to its focus and precise semantics, ROOM is an excellent method for tools that can generate executable code directly from architecture models for structure and behavior. The modularity, reusability and abstraction of the ROOM models help to master the software complexity for the resulting embedded systems.
Questions and Discussion
End: 18:00 CET