Specialists in Embedded Software Development
Mastering Software Complexity
Don’t let the complexity of embedded software development slow you down.
We can show you how to speed things up.
How do I develop more robust embedded software?
Simplifying the Development of Embedded Software
Ever more microcontrollers are being used in the applications that surround us. But while the performance of these tiny chips has increased rapidly, our development processes have not always kept pace. PROTOS, through its range of products and services, helps embedded software development teams reduce the complexity of their designs and streamline their development processes by selecting the optimal methods and tools. Scroll down to learn more!
Events and Seminars
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Webinar: Continuous Integration for Embedded Systems
- 26.09.2024 11:00-11:45
Any small code change to an embedded system can have the most malicious effects, and fixing the problems too late is very expensive.
Complete test automation via Continuous Integration can help to test every code change within minutes, but:
- Why is it so hard to automate tests for embedded systems?
- Why do I need more than unit test?
- How can I automate hardware in the loop tests?
In this Webinar, I will answer those questions and demonstrate a typical Continuous-Integration setup with lightweight hardware-in-the-loop tests.